Coach • Mentor • Teacher

Scott Stevenson


Scott originally worked as a Physical Education Teacher and Head of Department in a British school and then became Vice-Principal. He has also been the advisor and trainer for educational leaders within the UK, Channel Islands, Dubai and Thailand.

Scott’s experience in educational has provided him with the opportunity to work hundreds of children (3 -18 years old), teachers and parents.

How can Scott help? 

Coaching sessions with Scott can further improve and empower staff and students to emotional regulate and easily process stress and anxiety.

Use effective body language, voice and influential questions to build positive staff and student relationships.

Significantly reduce test, exam and homework anxiety; whilst improving memory recall and exam question processing.

Empower students with various SEN to significantly reduce their anxiety and enhance learning confidence.

Equip school leaders and managers with vital psychological and mental wellbeing tools.

Types of coaching sessions:

  • Workshops and interactive seminars 

  • Department specific training

  • One on One training

  • Senior leaders training and presentations

  • Live classroom coaching

  • Assemblies and wellbeing/PSHE lessons

Scott will help organise the following type of coaching sessions for your educational establishment.


Leslie Keenan BSc, MEd, NPQH Deputy Head Teacher 30 years in Education

Scott’s coaching, leadership and support had a dramatic impact on the school. Scott’s focus was to empower and energise the individuals so that they took ownership of the pastoral role as a whole school focus, one in which everyone had a key role to play.  Evidence of his success could be seen in a marked improvement in the standard of student behaviour in public places and the classroom. The changes that he instigated were permanent and the school continued to be a positive and dynamic community long after his absence. The fact that Scott was able to bring about a major cultural shift demonstrates that he has these qualities. He instils confidence, provides a useful toolkit to empower the individual and, crucially, develops their self believe. Unless the individual can believe in themselves they will not be able to lead, manage and inspire others. I would not hesitate to recommend Scott’s methods to you. It will be a refreshing and beneficial experience for all. There are those that look out the window and just admire the view. Others look out, see the world, want to join it and change it for the better. Scott is one of the latter!

Adam Cook BEd (Hons) Assistant Head Teacher. Pastoral. Jersey

Scott has helped me through the early stages of my teaching and leadership career. His confident and reassuring manner always made me feel at ease and enabled me to become a reflective practitioner without the fear of failure. One of Scott’s skills was to enable me to understand that it was ok to make mistakes and calmly and clinically use the feedback to better mine and others work. Scott is an outstanding facilitator of learning, and by observing him teach and having him as my mentor I was able to create my own authentic approach. Positive behaviour management was also cornerstone of Scott’s methods and actively promoted this within our school which transformed the atmosphere at the school. All of his work still continues as daily practice in our School and all of his mentees are in their chosen leadership positions.

Mrs. T. Townsend, Assistant Head Teacher, Jersey, CI

Scott is a dedicated and highly professional person who enjoys helping others to achieve their potential. His positive demeanour and level headed approach to school life meant he was someone I could always turn to for advice. I have always found Scott to be a professional partner who helps others discover their own strategies for improvement whilst supporting them when trying new methods and approaches. I have held the position of SENCO, Head of English and am now an Assistant Head at De La Salle College, Jersey. I am positive that Scott has helped me in my career progression.

Paul Rodgers, Head of House (former Captain Jersey Rugby Football Club)

Scott is a great motivator who has a passion for sharing and helping others improve. His rapport and temperament gives him the ability to connect and communicate with people from all different walks of life. I have been lucky enough to receive Scott’s support, firstly as Jersey rugby captain and latterly as an NQT. His coaching and mentoring throughout this time has had a positive impact on both my leadership style and teaching skills. Scott has provided me with tools and knowledge that have taught me how to get the best out of myself and my students. He has helped me to discover what styles of teaching are best suited to me and how to confidently manage the many challenges a school day brings.I have now comfortably progressed from an NQT to a Head of House.

Jon Brennan,  Head of Year, and Head of History, Jersey UK

Scott has been an extremely influential mentor during my teaching career. I found his approach to classroom management to be logical common sense, underpinned by expert, sophisticated application. Scott’s belief was that the positive relationships between the teacher and students (and other members of staff) were paramount. Within this approach of forging strong personal links, it was equally important to be dynamic and assertive, without being confrontational and creating negative consequences. I adopted Scott’s philosophy wholeheartedly, and with his ongoing advice, I created a strong teaching persona. It became easy to manage even the trickiest of classes, by finding common ground with all students, always underpinned by a strong and rigorously enforced set of boundaries and expectations. Away from the classroom itself, Scott also believed in staff well-being, and ensured that our school was a contented yet a professionally vigorous place to work. Despite Scott having left the school many years ago, he has always been on hand to offer further advice as my career developed from class teacher to leadership. I am extremely grateful for his support.

Mr A Connell, Associate Professor, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Founding fellow of the Chartered College of Teachers

Scott is an excellent teacher and coach. His sessions are very successful, motivational and lead to high quality learning for his students and clients. Scott worked with student teachers as a mentor and provided excellent training for them. He was a very good role model. He also supported colleagues within the College in their capacity as subject mentors to student teachers, helping them be better mentors. I personally assure Scott is a very effective leader of the highest professional quality.

J P Turner B.A. (Hons) M.Ed. Headmaster De La Salle College

Mr Stevenson is a professional who stands out from the crowd. He excels in his chosen field of mindset, leadership and wellbeing coaching. Scott consistently demonstrated that he is able to achieve a high level of impact on others performance. As a Headmaster I have known many teachers and leaders, but Scott has without doubt shone brightly as one of our stars. Scott clearly demonstrated a willingness to take intellectual risks and move outside the “comfort zone” of most people in a traditional organisation like an English College. He was very focused upon the students and would use a variety of innovative techniques to motivate them to do well. Scott was also prepared to actively coach colleagues in new methodology that allowed them to support his own work. In time these colleagues who he had coached became champions themselves, of this positive solution orientated approach. He changed our student management programmes, from a focus on containment of poor behaviour to one of championing good choices. This refocus on the good behaviour exhibited by the majority, enabled students to realise that the best way to receive affirmation was to focus on good behaviour.

Lauren, Year 4 Teacher at Kings’ Dubai

I found the mindfulness training with Scott Stevenson very informative and thought-provoking. Scott taught us how to carry out short mindful practices to our students. I enjoyed learning new calming down techniques and still use them today, even 12 months after training,  not only with my class but on myself. School can be a very stressful and overwhelming place, therefore, it is imperative that we give our children the tools to help relieve stress. Scott made our training fun and interactive, he managed the training so that we not only learned how to deliver micro-meditation sessions but also gave us the opportunity to share and tweak our current mindful practice to ensure consistency amongst the school. 

Louise, Year 5 Teacher, Kings’ Dubai

The mindfulness training last year was absolutely fantastic! Not only did it open my eyes to the importance of this for children in class and equip me with strategies and ideas to implement in the classroom, but it also allowed me time to reflect on how important this was for me as a teacher. It enabled me to get an insight into the benefits of how to manage stress and equally appreciate the science behind how it works. A very interesting session which I took a lot away from!

Natasha, Head of 6th Form, Jersey, UK

Scott Stevenson was a great help when I began teaching: his patience and incredibly helpful advice gave me the foundations to become a confident teacher, especially in terms of classroom management and leadership. He is extremely professional, cares a great deal about the people that he works with and genuinely wants to see people do well. He is not afraid to critique but does so in a constructive and helpful manner. He is thoroughly respected by all that he has worked with as he always leads by example.

Kate, Year 6 Teacher, Kings’ Dubai

The mindfulness training with Scott Stevenson was extremely informative and highlighted the importance of mindfulness in everyday life. Scott taught us powerful strategies to promote mindfulness in our personal lives and within the classroom. After the training, I introduced my students to the strategies immediately, which had a hugely positive impact on their emotional well-being and stress levels. I even had parents come to inquire about the specialised techniques which they had experienced their children using at home as a means to control their emotions and reduce stress. The training changed my life and classroom practice and highlighted the importance of developing strategies to help us deal with the stresses and anxieties in our lives. Scott was awesome – highly knowledgeable, approachable and great at delivering the training.