Coach • Mentor • Teacher

Scott Stevenson

Individual Wellbeing and Performance Coaching

Find your ‘True North’

Scott will work with you individually to help you achieve specific personal or professional goals. He can focus on a wide range of areas including wellbeing, communication skills, leadership, personal growth and much more.

During individual coaching sessions, Scott will work with you to identify your goals and develop a plan to achieve them. This may involve setting specific targets, establishing action steps and providing support and accountability as you work towards your goals.

Scott can help you…


  • Confidence

  • Mental Clarity

  • Self Worth

Break free from

  • Self Sabotage

  • Over Analysing

  • Negative Past/Present Relationships

Melt away

  • Anger & Frustration

  • Anxiety & Stress

  • Self Doubt


Ms. E. Peters MSc Counselling Psychology

I would highly recommend Scott as a mentor and coach. Scott helped me work through some baggage that I had been carrying around for many years. As a counsellor I believe that it is important for me to experience the therapeutic journey towards change. Scott was very patient, non-judgmental and was the guide I needed to help me identify and sort out different issues in my life. I believe that his professionalism and experience allowed me to become a stronger person and an all around better counsellor. Thank you Scott!

Zane Duquemin, Great Britain Athletics,  Mens Shot Putt and Discus 

I was in a pretty bad place, very frustrated and this was carrying over into both my work, university, my training sessions and also just my general life.  Scott came along at the perfect time for me really, and had an instant impact.  The measurable with differences in my training quality and in terms of my averages went up. My lifting sessions up through the roof and in terms of just my general life that improved. Massively my general well-being, my mood changed, became more positive. I was really struggling to sleep and Scott managed to change that within the first session which was fantastic. Since then we've just been checking in every now and then leading toward competitions.  

Gemma BSc Psychology, Autism Specialist and Health Transformation Coach.

Anxiety and ambition  were taking control of me. It even convinced me that I wasn’t good enough. Scott enabled me to channel my mind in order for me to succeed within my personal life and my chosen career path. I am now truly empowered  to help other people and crucially myself!

Dan Halksworth, Double British Ironman Triathlete Champion, Coventry,  England

I never thought that these methods and  techniques could be applied to me, I was wrong! I was amazed to see how dramatic the changes were in the very first session. Scott applies the technique to you specifically in a fun and interactive way. It’s also the first time in 10 years as a professional athlete that I have slept the night before a competition! I then went on to achieve an amazing result in the gruelling heat of Thailand.

Rebecca,  BSC Counselling  Psychology

Scott helped me to shift a lot of the negative emotions I had been carrying with me for many years. He smoothly helped me  reach the core of what was going on and what was making me feel 'stuck'. I am now more present with my students and clients, (who are from all over the world).  I believe even more in my abilities and I receive so many positive testimonies. I fee so good in my daily life and I have a new motivation that I haven’t had for quite some time.  Thank you Scott for everything. You are a star.

Shadine Duquemin, GBR Athletics, International Discus Thrower

As an international athlete it is extremely important to ensure that stress both inside and outside of my sporting environment is controlled in a positive and healthy way. Scott introduced me to concepts I was previously unaware of which had an immediate positive impact in all areas of my life. This has helped me to focus my energy in the right way and ensure I get the best out of myself in both training and competition. Scott originally played  a significant role in the build for the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. I am looking forward to improving further on the skills that Scott has taught me. I have no doubt that this will help me to progress in my sporting career as well as other areas of my life.

Ms. Sosa  Tejerina MSc Sports Psychologist

I know my way around psychology! I chose a very specific subject I was carrying for a long time... And after only 1 session with Scott, it was like magic, felt amazing, floating, easy, completely gone! Thanks Scott for your time, energy and tuition. I can now do these things  for myself! 

Adam Shahir Kayoom, ONE Championsip World title contender, BJJ Professor, CEO Q23 Academy

Mr. Stevenson’s approach and method dramatically enhanced my professional performance, coaching and leadership. I have learned tools to help me navigate through some challenging areas effectively. One thing I would like to add is the praise, gratitude and appreciation I have for Mr. Stevenson. His unique approach and his mixture of trust, humour and efficiency is definitely a breath of fresh air that re-energises and helps strengthens you on various levels.Thank you.

Tarek Suleiman. UAE Warriors light-Heavyweight Champion  (the only Syrian MMA pro-fighter currently active in the world)

I always had this wall in my mind that blocked me from breaking my limits. Thanks to Scott who came in on the right time by his seriously effective methods to trigger something in my brain allowing me to snap the win strong. Not only did his method help me face obstacles on my own, but also control my energy and breathing under pressure. 

Away from professional sport, Scott helped me through my past to get over my problems as a kid and the war atrocities in Syria. This also reflected positively on my performance during training and competition. My coaches instantly noticed my improved mindset and performance. I have now realised my dream of becoming an MMA Champion and I’m excited for the next phase of my life and career. Big thanks to Scott who’s been a huge help to me as a man and an athlete.

JJ Ambrose PXC Lightweight Champion. Former  UFC, Bellator and Author. Owner Steel Athletics, Guam. 

Before I met Scott I thought that my fears were irrational and unique to me. Being an MMA fighter I was ashamed that I had these pre-fight jitters that seemed to consume me. I even had panic attacks and that inner voice telling me to "run"! After just a few sessions with Scott, I'm a different person now. Scott gave me the tools and insights to change the inner voices and to perform at the highest level of pressure. I owe a lot of who I am today to the sessions with him. Thank you.